Binary to HEX

System of Hexadecimal Numbers:Hexadecimal, often known as base 16 or hex, is a positional numeric system used in mathematics and computers. Its base, or radix, is 16. It employs sixteen different symbols, most frequently 0–9 to indicate values 0–9 and A–B–C–D–E–F (or alternatively a–b–c–d–e–f) to represent values 10–15.

Techopedia's Hexadecimal To Binary Explanation (X2B)
Since each hexadecimal value corresponds to four binary values or bits, hexadecimal is frequently used to condense binary information. Hexadecimal has 16 numbers (0 to 9 and A to F, or 0 to 15 in decimal), whereas binary only has two values (1 and 0). When the place values of 8, 4, 2, and 1 are summed, a group of 4 bits in binary, which are frequently used, equals 15.


Each digit of a hexadecimal number is translated to 4-bit binary before being concatenated with all other conversions to create a binary representation. In a 4-bit binary code, each place value is multiplied by 8421 with its aligned value or added with a 1 on it.

Binary values, which are the true language used by computers, are frequently displayed to the user as hexadecimal values because hexadecimal is substantially shorter than binary.

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