Octal to HEX

System of octal numbers

The base-8 number system known as "oct," or just "oct," employs the digits 0 to 7 to represent numbers. By arranging a series of binary digits in groups of three, it is possible to create octal numerals (starting from the right).

System of Hexadecimal Numbers:

Hexadecimal, often known as base 16 or hex, is a positional numeric system used in mathematics and computers. Its base, or radix, is 16. It employs sixteen different symbols, the most common of which are 0-9 for values 0 to 9, and A,B,C,D,E,F (or alternatively a, b, c, d, e, f) for values 10 to 15.

How to change a number from octal to hexadecimal
A direct conversion from an octal number system to a hexadecimal number system is not possible. The octal number must first be transformed into a binary number system, which will then be transformed into a hexadecimal number system.

The fact that octal integers are condensed copies of binary strings makes the conversion from octal to binary fairly simple. Keeping this in mind, each octal digit corresponds to three binary digits. So, three binary digits should result from one octal digit (bits). Although octal can be indirectly converted to binary (first to decimal, then to binary), the following steps show how to directly convert octal to binary:

Write down the octal number that separates the digits in step one. Each octal digit is equivalent to a power of two since it represents three binary digits. The leftmost digit equals 22, the next digit equals 21, and the rightmost digit equals 20 (1). (4). Below the octal, enter these numerals (4, 2, and 1).

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