Temperature Converter

Temperature Converter:

Temperature conversion formulas are used to convert temperature values from one unit to another. There are numerous methods for converting temperatures. The most often used methods are Kelvin, Celsius, and Fahrenheit. Water has a freezing point of 273.15K and a boiling point of 373.15K on the Kelvin scale. Water has a freezing point of 32°F and a boiling point of 212°F on the Fahrenheit scale. Water has a freezing point of 0°C and a boiling point of 100°C on the Celsius scale.

What is Temperature Conversion Formulas?

There can be three main conversions of temperature which are:

  • Conversion Between Celsius and Kelvin
  • Conversion Between Fahrenheit and Kelvin
  • Conversion Between Celsius and Fahrenheit

Conversion of Temperature Between Celsius and Kelvin:

    • The temperature conversion formula from Celsius to Kelvin is:
K = C + 273.15


    • The temperature conversion formula from Kelvin to Celcius is:
C = K − 273.15

Conversion of Temperature Between Fahrenheit and Celsius:

Fahrenheit to Celsius and Celsius to Fahrenheit formulas are listed below. These formulas will help to convert the temperature into required units.

  • The temperature conversion formula from Fahrenheit to Celsius is:
C = (F − 32) × 5⁄9
  • The Temperature Conversion Formula from Celsius to Fahrenheit is:
F = C(9⁄5) + 32


Conversion of Temperature Between Fahrenheit and Kelvin:

  • The Temperature Conversion Formula from Fahrenheit to Kelvin is:
K = (F − 32) × 5⁄9 + 273.15
  • The Temperature Conversion Formula from Kelvin to Fahrenheit is:
F = (K – 273.15) × 9⁄5 + 32


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