Decimal to Octal

 Conversion Into Octal

we have to learn about both the number systems first. A number with base 8 is the octal number and a number with base 10 is the decimal number. Here we will convert a decimal number to an equivalent octal number. It is the same as converting any decimal number to binary or decimal to hexadecimal.

Decimal Number: The term "decimal number" refers to all base-ten numbers. The usual range of integers are 0 through 9. Both an integer part and a decimal part are present. There is a decimal point between them (.). Integers appear to the left of the decimal, and the decimal portion appears to the right. Instances include (236.89)10, (54.2)10, etc.

In decimal to binary, we divide the number by 2, in decimal to hexadecimal we divide the number by 16. In case of decimal to octal, we divide the number by 8 and write the remainders in the reverse order to get the equivalent octal number.

Decimal to Octal Conversion
There are two ways to convert a decimal number to an octal one. First, the decimal number is converted to another number system, such as binary or hexadecimal, and then it is converted to octal. The second technique is a direct conversion from decimal to octal.


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