CSS Minifier

CSS Minifier:

CSS minification is the process of deleting unnecessary code from CSS source files in order to reduce file size while maintaining the functionality of the CSS file in the browser. Minification speeds up the download and processing of CSS files by removing unneeded data. This improves page performance and user experience.

So, what exactly do we mean when we say "unneeded code"? Developers have included formatting and syntactic best practices in CSS (and most other coding languages) to make the code more legible to humans. These significantly increase productivity, aid in debugging and make CSS code easier to maintain. They are, however, optional because the browser and target platform do not require them to function.

This code contains spaces, indents, comments, and line breaks, as you can see. While this simplifies things for us, the browser does not need any of this information to run the CSS code. It ignores these extra whitespaces and comments while parsing the files. As a result, the CSS file is larger than it needs to be to function properly. Furthermore, as you may have predicted, larger files necessitate more time and resources to process.

As a result, website visitors will get the perception that your website or application is slow and does not provide the great user experience they expect.

That's where CSS minification comes in: it removes unnecessary code, resulting in a smaller CSS file that operates exactly like the original. When you minify CSS, you can also change the code in a variety of ways, such as shortening variable names and removing superfluous or unneeded information. These attempts are aimed towards shrinking the file even further.

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